Because we are so gosh darn cute, we thought we'd send you the best present ever...that would be pictures of us, of course!
Here we are snuggling up to The Lady as she sat in the living room with her feet up on the ottoman:

Madison thinks that Washie needs a wash up!

You know, of course, that means only a prelude to WrestleMania 2007!

But, remembering that it is your birthday, we thought we should be on our best behavior. Back to just plain ol' bathtime...which lead right into some serious naptime:

Washington sort of lost track of where he was and slipped right down in between the ottoman and the chair, but he insists that he meant to do that!
Macks and Deer went out early this morning for a very chilly (only 28 degrees!) hike through Camp Shorewood. Deer was sooooo excited about having a White Thanksgiving that she wanted us to share some of her pictures with you:

The snow on these burgundy leaves was breathtaking. Too bad Deer's big wooly mittens prevented her from taking a picture that was actually in focus!

Happy Birthday...we miss and love you very much!
Washington and Madison
1 comment:
This set of photos makes me SO happy! (Maybe as happy as Deer was when she got a White Thanksgiving?) The series makes me feel like I'm watching a movie and I can imagine the cleaning--> wrestling --> lazy cleaning --> nap progression happening as if I were there. And the photo of Wash having fallen into his pit and looking up as if to say, "what?" is nothing short of the perfect representation of who he is. Happy Thanksgiving to both campers and counselors.
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