Friday, April 25, 2008

A new Olympic sport!

Just as there are two different disciplines in women's gymnastics, artistic and rhythmic, so there is with Olympic Napping - the now long-established Synchronized Radiator Napping and the brand spankin' new, Acrobatic Napping:

There are two primary keys to scoring a perfect 10.0 :

1. PPP, or Proper Paw Placement

2. and the exceedingly difficult HC & T, aka Head Curl and Tuck

Just put our Gold Medal in the mail and save everybody else the trouble!

(Deer wanted us to tell you that the bigger images are on the darned flickr thing she talks about)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Practice makes perfect!

From Washie:

It was far too beneath me and my superior intelligence to name this post Cat Scratch Fever - way too obvious, don't you think?

I'm practicing my super stealth feline ninja moves in preparation for my mission to Seattle and to dispatch that Seattle Beastie once and for all! This latest move that I practiced on Macks' face is a Jet-Propelled Aerial Launch with Optional Claw Deployment. Based on the results, I think I will drop the Optional!

Next time, he won't be smiling...

Give my hugs and kisses to the Beastie!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sticks and Stones

I've gathered that you, Deer and Macks, have some new nickname for me. It's something like Piguine which, I understand, is a poorly veiled - and, dare I say it, amateurish - allusion to my size.

Sure, I grant you that I'm not exactly svelte. But rather than compare me to some barnyard animal, I prefer to call myself pleasingly plump, thank you very much.

I'm not one to hold grudges, but I can certainly choose to ignore you today...especially since you just trimmed my nails this morning, too. While you're at it, why don't you go get the Loud Yellow Beastie that lives in the front closet out? You'd be batting .1000 there.

However, since the wind is howling off of Lake Michigan today and it is only 35 degrees with a few flurries around, I may decide to come and cuddle on you later. Or in just a couple of minutes...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

You have our royal permission to address us as HRH Queen Maddie

From Maddie:
Washie sure is all proud of himself lately since he thinks there is a strong family resemblance between him and his famous calendar cousin, Chococat. Well, I just happened to be passing the refrigerator this morning (no, I wasn't hunting around for any treats that may have just happened to have dropped on the floor - HONEST!) and I noticed Deer's other calendar that features Chococat's pal, Hello Kitty. (Deer sure has some weird fascination with this bunch of Japanese beasties, I'll say!) All of Hello Kitty's pictures show her in some beautiful period costumes and April's, I thought, captured my true essence perfectly - Hello Kitty a la Marie Antoinette:

Now that's what I call a family resemblance!
Mmmmm...I wonder if Hello Kitty is going to eat that cupcake...mmmmm, cupcakes....

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April's Family Portrait

From Washie:

I caught a glimpse of the picture of my Japanese cousin for April.

It's just downright silly how much we resemble each other, don't you think? But what I want to know is, where's my bike?
Maddie and I also found a new favorite place for our Sunday afternoon naps with Macks - right in the crook of his knee.
It's just the right size and shape to cuddle one seriously cute sable brown cat! I thought it was very nice of me to let Maddie share...a little, anyway.