It was far too beneath me and my superior intelligence to name this post Cat Scratch Fever - way too obvious, don't you think?
I'm practicing my super stealth feline ninja moves in preparation for my mission to Seattle and to dispatch that Seattle Beastie once and for all! This latest move that I practiced on Macks' face is a Jet-Propelled Aerial Launch with Optional Claw Deployment. Based on the results, I think I will drop the Optional!

Next time, he won't be smiling...
Give my hugs and kisses to the Beastie!
Holy crapola! That looks awful! Is this the thanks you show your hosts??? Macks, are you okay? How did this happen?
Aw, it weren't nothing. We had some workmen in the apt and as I carried him from the back bedroom to a place where I could watch him better he freaked out and launched himself off my face.
He talks a mean game, but let's keep in mind that this *is* a cat who's been known to fall when trying to jump from the floor to the closed toilet lid.
Good to hear from you! Tax season done and passed for the year?
Sorry, but this sounds like the proverbial abused human, too scared to tell the truth! I think we have an open and shut case of felinal abuse. Where'd this cat learn his manners?
I-I'm fine. I walked into a door, it was an accident...
Yeah, I'm calling you "Luka" from now on. But good point about the grace and agility with which he tends to conduct his feline leaps.
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