Wishing you love today and every day,
Washie, Maddie, Deer & Macks
We also believe that the Hair Dryer and Coffee Maker are somehow related to The Dragon. However, they are not nearly as loud nor as scary as The Dragon and we've determined that they are harmless enough - despite the noise they make - to stay out from underneath furniture and in closets while they are out. The Dragon, on the other hand, is an entirely different beastie altogether and WE HATE IT!
When Deer finishes taking it for its weekly walk, we are both tremendously relieved. Washie even found it in his heart to forgive her entirely and curl up on her lap afterwards. After all, it is snowing again outside and we certainly have our priorities...cuddling being right there on top of the list!
Washie is perfectly content to cuddle on a blanket in the spare room (Washie: "This is what normal cats do, Madison!")