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From Madison
We are settling in very nicely here at Camp Shorewood. We haven't made s'mores or sang "Kumbaya" but we've been eating up our food every day and get gold stars for making the Clean Plate Club and playing with lots of toys!Washington just went on and on yesterday about how nice it was to sit in the Lady's lap and watch her type, so I decided to give it a try this morning to see what all the fuss was about. I hate to admit it, but he was was pretty cozy:
What was really neat was that she was playing with her two sticks and string again. So I joined right in and started to play with the string, too! We're still not sure what her name is, though - Macks (the Man) calls her lots of things and we think he's a little confused. He calls her My Deer a lot...I don't think she is a deer. She doesn't have antlers.Hmmmm...maybe if I figure out how to turn the computer on by myself, I could do a little research on the matter!
Sigh... my little baby! I hope you are treating the deer and macks with oodles of love and affection -- it sure looks like it, I must say. Your favorite toy is heading to the post office tomorrow.
Washy and Mad,
Leave the computer to MyDeer and Macks, darlings. Your hair alone might cause a short. This is Granny Bionica, again, missing you, but trying to remind you to be kind to MyDeer (you're right, I didn't see any antlers, either), and Macks, and maybe your Mommy could send you some STRING to play with of your very own...just remember, be GENTLE...not like when you let me sleep with you. Do NOT GRAB MyDeer's toes with your teeth like you try to do with mine...Love you oodles,
GB (that's Granny Bionica, not GGB, GreatGrandmotherBunny)
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