Dear Momma & Daddy,
There sure are a lot of new and strange things at this place! It sure is nice to have our favorite toys and beds here (not to mention our litter box) - thanks for bringing them!
We had a nice first night. After the lady went to sleep (we think she was out mousing all day, 'cause she was tired!), the man played with us for a little while. He had this long string which we thought was really fun to play with. He stayed up with us for a few hours and he seems like lots of fun. We had a few more bites to eat and visited the ol' litter box again before getting cuddly and going to sleep ourselves. Madison really likes hanging out underneath their couch and after a bit, Washington decided it was ok to keep her company.
The lady got us up really early today! Washington was all silly when he saw her and decided to rub all over her feet! We got a little scared when she poured some water into this little machine on the kitchen counter and it started to gurgle and make some other weird noises. After a few minutes, some dark liquid came out into a glass container. When it was all done, it made a beeping sound which made Washington a little nervous. The lady poured some of it into a cup and drank it! We're not sure what it was but she seemed a lot more awake after drinking a cup! She played a lot with these two sticks and some pretty string...maybe she is making us some toys!? Washington thought he'd get a closer look and jumped on top of the desk. He almost fell right off...he's such a clutz!
Washington: Hey, speak for yourself!
Madison: Oh, yeah?
Washington: Yeah! And you, obviously, have no shame:

After a little while, they both went out - we're not exactly sure where they went, but when they came back they were kinda sweaty. We think they must be out mousing again, but they didn't bring us back any! They fed us breakfast and tried to get us to play a little more, but we thought it might be best to just stay cozy for a little bit longer.
They both seem very nice but we miss you!
Washington & Madison