Because our social calendar is over-booked (read: lots of napping to do before dinnertime), we're going to let Deer be our special guest blogger today!
Thanks, Washie & Maddie, for allowing me to post on your blog! I've enjoyed getting the scoop on what you guys are doing (Washie, we're gonna have to have a little chat about this obsession you seem to have with poor Brother Man!) and hearing from Nancy and Granny Bionica.
A few days ago, Spring definitely decided to make a hasty retreat and we were, yet again, faced with chilly snowstorm, this time, but it was below freezing! I needed my little lap blanket to keep the chill away while working at the computer that early morning. When I returned from filling up on my cuppa, I noticed this odd little, well - for lack of a better word, bulge on the floor next to the desk chair where I had heaped my blanket just a minute or two before:

Pulling back the cover oh so gently, this is what I discovered!

This just goes to show you that any place is a good place to nap. That's an important life lesson, if I ever heard one!