Well, this weekend, we've discovered even a better use for Deer's pretty string. We've told you before that despite of all of Deer's many redeeming qualities, she does one thing we absolutely HATE all the way down to the tips of our tails: every week, no matter what, she brings out the big, loud scary yellow monster from the front closet and takes it on a walk all through Camp Shorewood. We like it when Macks goes to the front closet 'cause that's where he keeps our most special toy...the bird! But, we know what is about to happen when Deer goes to it...and we take cover even before the beastie comes out!
Usually, we hide in closets.
Sometimes we hide under beds.
Every once and a while we cower in Macks' lap...but he was away this weekend here.
So, we found another good, cozy place to hide: Deer's stash-o-pretty string that she keeps in perfectly cat-sized canvas cubes:

In our most humble opinion, we find that adding cat fur to lambswool, merino, cashmere, and cottons only enhances their value and appearance.