Thursday, January 1, 2009

Feline King of the Hill

From Washie -

I've heard that you humans have a curious tradition of playing a game called King of the Hill on top of huge piles of snow. You may not be aware, but cats have the same type of game. Instead of waging the war on top of snow, we choose a more refined of our Christmas presents, a totally awesome tunnel bed!

Always the gentleman, I allowed Maddie first go:

Unfortunately, she was most hesitant to leave her throne:

Ahem, got any New Year's Resolutions, Maddie?
The battle waged on for nearly 30 minutes. My strategy was to let her think I gave up, and then launch a quick strike! I'm sorry to say that it didn't work very well!

What eventually lured her away was the hint of a cat treat from Deer (thanks, Deer!) and I used the clever diversion to my full advantage!
Patience rewarded!